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“Midway in the journey of our life, I came to myself in a dark wood,
for the straight way was lost”
Dante Alighieri, The Inferno

Life is a creative process, a continuous path from the unknown to manifestation, from darkness to light, from the first to the last breath. Each life is a unique journey and each person holds unique wisdom and an important role to fulfil. To live up to our potential, To live fully, we need to get acquainted with who we truly are, find our inner resources, connect with our strengths and learn how to navigate through the complexity of life.
A space of learning
Inspired by humanistic approaches and eastern philosophies and practices within my coaching practice I create a safe space to experience oneself in a direct way. We start with a deep listening of what is happening in the here and now. Experiencing the moment in a direct way supports us in creating a more welcoming relationship with ourselves, clarifying where we want to do and discover a new sense of meaning in our actions.

In my sessions we co-create a space of learning, we acknowledge established thought and behvior patterns and we seek to get in touch with deeper parts of ourselves with acceptance and non-judgment. So we can set goals, whether it is personal or professional, refine our vision, enhance our influence and impact, fall out of destructive dynamics of power and find the paths to collaboration, in our private life as with the different stakeholders in our environments. Challenges are the gateways to growth and awareness is the key to unlock our potential as individuals and as a collective.
Sessions are held in English, German and in Hebrew.
Location: Berlin
And sessions through Zoom.

“Learned we may be with another man’s learning, we can only be
wise with wisdom of our own”
Michel De Montaigne

“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be…
I don’t try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.”
Carl R. Rogers

I was fortunate to have been able to study many disciplines and benefit from their diversity, all of them are the inspirational base of my work and practice. I have a B.A. in Political Science, Far East Studies, Philosophy and Social Work (B.S.W) and have a 3 years Integrative Psychotherapy training, mindfulness Leadership Coaching, Agile team facilitation and I am an EMCC accredited Senior Coach . My holistic view has brought me to explore body-mind work through my certified Shiatsu therapy studies, 200 hour Yoga Alliance Teacher training and Mindfulness Stress reduction teacher’s training (TTR1). I have 20 years of therapeutic and coaching experience working with individuals and teams in the public and business sectors. The last years I have been engaged in researching, initiation and developing projects focused on themes of gender, the dynamics of power and how we can create collaborative spaces where trust and social responsibility can be practiced.
I see life as a path of wonder, with stepping stones made of inspiring words we read and hear, and challenges we face. These encounters make us recognize and acknowledge our power serving us a teacher through which we are able to grow.

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